Why is CNG compressed natural gas?
The full form of CNG is compressed natural gas, a fuel that has been shortened to a liquid state. CNG is cleaner than gasoline because it creates less pollution when burning and doesn’t produce as many greenhouse gases. It also contains about 30% less CO2 than petrol. The gas is usually made from methane, which comes from natural sources like cattle manure or decomposing garbage and byproducts of coal products.
What is the Full Form of CNG?
CNG Full Form is Compressed Natural Gas. And most of them read it in Hindi, CNG ka full form in Hindi संपीडित प्राकृतिक गैस.
What is the use of CNG?
When CNG is used as fuel for vehicles, there is a large reduction in the emission of pollutants such as smoke, soot, and carbon dioxide. It also has a more negligible effect on climate change as it does not contain sulphur or other compounds. Another benefit of CNG is that it’s easy to transport in tanks or trucks, and refilling is quick because of its liquid form.
Overall advantages and disadvantages:
It has several advantages, such as It has high energy density levels, which means that it can be stored easily in the tanks of vehicles and can be transported easily. Unlike other fuels, it is non-toxic and creates fewer harmful fumes when burning, and its production involves lesser pollution than petroleum or diesel fuels. It is readily available at a comparatively lower price.
However, the disadvantages of CNG are that it is challenging to convert vehicles that run on petrol to run on CNG. It is dangerous in case of an accident or leak. It has a short lifespan and may require refilling every few hours depending upon the model of the car, and Refilling requires more energy.
Health Concerns:
People who suffer from respiratory disorders such as asthma should not use natural gas because they may find it difficult to breathe when exposed to high levels of this fuel in their environment. Also, it is rumoured that CNG can cause cancer and other health problems.
It is essential to know that natural gas consists mainly of methane and carbon dioxide. Methane and carbon dioxide are already present in the air we breathe and present in bottled water and sodas.