Details about PHP:
The PHP full form is Hypertext Preprocessor is a programming language and other programming languages like HTML that can build stuff on the world wide web. PHP is considered open-source, and everyone can use this as a free platform to develop their own project. Moreover, it attained its admiration and popularity by leading open source web technology. PHP is earlier called as personal home page tool.
Here the sites created using HTML are known as static websites. A static website means that you will see the same content repeatedly. Where stands for HTML (HyperText Markup language) and is the most primitive code that the pages of the internet consist of all ethical strategies to develop effective sites.
On the other hand, with the help of PHP, a dynamic website can be created and developed. Through various forms of interaction, a dynamic site changes its content and modifies its users. Moreover, it is a more complex way to interact with dynamic websites. Here we can see the uses and features of PHP in detail.
Benefits of PHP:
When you download WordPress, you will see there are plenty of files ending with. PHP. This is because WordPress uses Hypertext Preprocessor, and justifies the PHP language. Whereas PHP functions on a server, so when you type in a web address, you are prompted to visit, as it is functioning in the background. To communicate with a computer, we should approach it with language that is understood by the computer, and that comprehensible language format is called “source code”.
Hence, one of the most well-known languages is PHP full form is Hypertext Preprocessor. With the help and sources available in this language you can create and develop sites of all types of sizes and specific configurations. Where PHP takes care of the source code, which transforms into the, which are filled with images, unique fonts, text, and other related content.