Everything you need to about Common Proficiency Test
The full form of CPT is the Common Proficiency Test which is conducted by the Institute of Chartered accountants. This test is commonly conducted by the CA Foundation Examination which is most commonly conducted twice in a year in May and November. This test has a primary and main course for the candidates where they need to get passed in these two levels.
The assessment would be great enough to target the knowledge of the candidate to bring the Mercantile laws that are accordingly important. The questions would be from accounting, Quantitative and also in general economics as well. There are some terms and conditions which the candidate has to follow up.
What is the Full Form of CPT?
CPT Full Form is Common Proficiency Test. And most of them read it in Hindi, CPT ka full form in Hindi सामान्य प्रवीणता परीक्षा.
Pattern to follow for the Common Proficiency Test
- The candidates have to get the sessions that are conducted twice in the morning and in the afternoon as well.
- The morning session will begin at 10.30 am to 12.30 pm and the afternoon session would be from 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm.
- They need to answer the questions in two sections like A and B the afternoon sessions has got C and D sections.
- There might be a chase for the candidates to have questions like extra to answer and even the marks will also be allotted.
- The basic question contains the answer to negative marks on the not unanswerable questions. So, the students should focus on answering the extra questions too.
- They must be aware of the pattern of the exam and the time schedule allotted for them as well.
- The questions format would be like objective type questions where there will be multiple choice answers given to the questions.
- Each category of the questions contains the like 40 to 60 marks allotted for the sections where they got to concentrate on them.